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What Is a Cmi Level 5 Diploma Equivalent to

CMI qualifications FAQs

If you cannot find the answer you need below, please call us for an informal chat on 01380 609313. We will be very happy to give you impartial advice and guidance without obligation.

You can e-mail your questions to

You can download our CMI qualifications guide here


How can I enrol for a qualification?

You will need to enrol here  - We will then be in touch promptly to get you started.

At the same time, you will need to send us proof of your ID - preferably a copy of your passport or driving licence

Our prices and instalment plans

Please see our prices and instalment plans at this link

How do I know which qualification is best for me?

This is a really important question and a decision that we really want to help you with. Please do contact us for a chat.

It is important that you choose the qualification that is the most suitable for you in terms of what you want to achieve, and at a level that you are capable of undertaking in terms of the learning and assessment requirement.

Quick links to our CMI qualifications - you can download details of all units:

CMI Level 3 Principles of Management and Leadership

CMI Level 5 Management and Leadership

CMI Level 6 Professional Management and Leadership Practice

CMI Level 7 Strategic Management and Leadership Practice

Chartered Manager

ELCAS - for military personnel

What are the entry requirements?

There are no formal entry requirements - other than being aged 18 years+

The key things is being sure that the qualification is suitable for you - and that you are capable of achieving it in terms of the level of learning and assessment required

Do I have to hold a Level 3 before doing a Level 5 ........ or a Level 6 before doing a Level 7 etc?


Do I have to be working at a particular level to gain the qualification I want?


However, you need to consider that the assignments you will write in order to achieve the qualification, require you to relate theory/principles/concepts from your learning to workplace practice. If you are working at the level of the qualification you choose, you will be more likely to be able to use your learning to help you reflect on your own practice and provide practical examples of your own work.

If you undertake a qualification at a higher level than your current work role, you will still be required to relate your learning to practice, by reflecting on the practice of other managers in your current and/or previous organisations.

If you have no management experience at all, you will need to relate theory to practice using a scenario approach - i.e. 'what I would do' and/or reflect on the management practices of others you have observed.

What do the different levels of qualification mean?

These relate to the level at which the qualification is recognised on the Regulated Qualifications Framework. Here is a useful summary:

Qualification level Equivalency to other qualifications Management roles aimed at
3 A Level - T Level First line, team leader, supervisor, coordinator
5 HND - Foundation Degree Middle, operational
6 Bachelor's Degree Senior, regional, specialist
7 Master's Degree Strategic, senior

What is the difference between Award, Certificate, Diploma?

Each is a qualification in its own right on the Regulated Qualification Framework. The difference is simply the breadth of study you undertake - the number of units and total unit time (TUT) that are required.

For example:

Level 3 Award in Principles of Management & Leadership - 40 hours TUT

Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Management & Leadership - 121 hours TUT

Level 3 Diploma in Principles of Management & Leadership - 370 hours TUT

If you follow the ' CMI and ILM Qualifications' navigation tab on this website, in each level of qualification you can then follow the 'View Details' and then 'Description' and ' Full Syllabus'  tabs to see full details of the qualifications.

I have already done my Award qualification with another provider. Can I 'top up' to the Certificate or Diploma with you?

Usually, yes. It will depend on the qualification and the date you completed it. We can discuss this with you.

If eligible, the unit(s) you have already achieved will be transferred to your registration with us. We will be very happy to help you with this.

Our 'top-up' prices will apply - see prices here

If I already hold other management qualifications, can I get any exemptions?

No. Any previous learning you have done will be very useful, but you will still need to complete all our CMI assignments to achieve your qualification.

Possible exception: you have completed a CMI qualification on a previous syllabus - some of your previously assessed work can be mapped across to help achieve units on the new syllabus - as long as it is at the same qualification level.

How long will it take me to complete a qualification?

This varies a lot between different people, depending on the time you can commit, your study experience, confidence etc. You will agree your own personal timescales with us to suit your own circumstances.

Here is a useful guide:


(all levels)

Typical completion time

Time tutorial support is available

CMI registration period

(if needed)

AWARD 1-3 months 3 months 12 months
CERTIFICATE 3-6 months 6 months 36 months
DIPLOMA 9-15 months 12 months 36 months

What happens if I do not finish before the CMI expiry date?

Your registration will lapse and you are withdrawn from the qualification. It is sometimes possible to extend your registration if you pay a re-registration fee.

You can discuss this with us if you think you are going to need this - we recommend talking to us to check your options at least three months before your registration expires.

What happens if I need a break in my study?

This is fine, things happen in our lives and flexibility is needed. All we ask is that you talk to us early and we can advise you about adjusting your programme and your CMI expiry date if needed.

What support will I get on distance learning?

Here is a summary, with some more details in the questions below this table:

Access to online resources
CMI workbooks (PDF Files) and/or other books sent (depending on qualification)
Written assignment indicative content - to give you a steer on examples of appropriate content
Written assignment guide - to help you respond to each section of assignments appropriately
Induction pack - with study and assignment writing guidelines
Introductory phone call/Zoom to help get you started
Assignment results and feedback no later than 21 days after submission
Access to introductory tutorial videos

FREE Totum Pro student discount card (valid for 12 months - only for Certificate or Diploma qualifications)

Personal tutor - contact primarily by e-mail with calls booked in on request X
Tutor review 100% of draft work for your first assignment X
Tutor review up to 500 word draft extract of subsequent assignments X
Tutor answer unlimited number of questions for the duration of your studies - e.g. clarification of assignment questions, signposting to resources X

Will I get a tutor?

Yes, if you have chosen the tutor support price package. Tutorial support is primarily by e-mail, with phone/Zoom calls if you request it

We recommend the tutor support option.

Can I choose the option not to have a tutor?

Yes. This is a lower price. It can be suitable if you are a confident learner and have previous experience of distance learning and self study.

You will still have access to all other learning resources

If I make the wrong choice over tutor or no-tutor package, can I change after I've started?

Yes. We are always happy to discuss this and adjust payments accordingly

How often can I contact my tutor?

As many times as you need to within the time limit for tutorial support - we guarantee a response within 48 working hours - on the rare occasions a tutor cannot meet this timeline because of unforeseen circumstances, they will contact you to explain when they will be in touch:

Award - up to 3 months

Certificate - up to 6 months

Diploma - up to 12 months

What learning resources will I get?

We are committed to providing you a support package that will help you to succeed.

You will have:

  • Tutorial support - recommended, although we do have a no tutor price package option if you are confident with self study
  • Access to our CMI on-line resources
  • Books sent to you - these vary depending on the qualification you enrol on
  • Induction pack - this includes advice on assignment writing
  • Assignment guides for each unit you study - detailed advice, written by our experienced tutor team, to help steer you in the right direction

How will I be assessed?

All units are assessed by submission of written assignments - no exams - we will happily show you an example assignment on request, so that you know what is expected

How long does it take to get my assignment results?

We guarantee that you will receive an assignment result no later that 21 day after submission

Will I get a grade for assignments?

The assignments are marked as PASS or REFER against a number of structured tasks and assessment criteria

What happens if I fail an assignment?

If you are 'referred' you will receive feedback explaining why - you can then rewrite and resubmit any sections of an assignment that have been referred

Each assignment can be resubmitted up to 2 times if needed. If it is still a refer after this, we will discuss any mitigating circumstances with you and you may be required to forfeit that unit and start a new one.

Will I get feedback on draft assignments before submitting for assessment?

If you have chosen the tutor support package, you will get review and feedback for draft work for your first full assignment in a qualification only. After this, you may ask for your draft ofone extract (of up to 500 words) of each subsequent assignment to be reviewed – maybe a section you are least confident about.Please note: Answering of questions and providing advice on interpreting & understanding assignment questions, and signposting to resources will continue throughout the unlimited support period.

Why this limitation on reviewing draft work? We are quality audited by the CMI. We must strike a balance between providing developmental help with your assignmentsand not giving so much advice that it could be considered as collusion in the writing of your own assignment (i.e. almost writing your assignment with you).

There comes a time when, after some tutorial advice, you need to make the decision yourself about whether you have demonstrated your knowledge and understanding sufficiently against the assessment criteria.

Generally, you will only get detailed feedback when your tutor thinks you need to do different or more content to modify a draft. If you don't get detailed feedback it is because your tutor thinks your content is enough.

Remember that you will also get feedback from assignment markers which will also help guide your approach to future assignments, and what needs to be improved if an assignment is referred and needs to be resubmitted.

Are you approved by the MOD to support the ELC Scheme?

Yes, we are approved to accept ELC funding - ELCAS Provider Number 7065 - please see details here

How can I become eligible for Chartered Manager status with you?

We can assess you through one of the following Chartered Manager routes:

Fast track route - Eligibility criteria for this 'fast track route' to Chartered Manager status:

You will need to hold a minimum CMI Level 5 Diploma, and have a minimum of 3 years suitable management experience. The fast track CMgr upgrade builds upon the knowledge and expertise demonstrated through completion of your Diploma qualification. Assessment is undertaken by completion of a written application form provided by inspired2learn with tutorial support. Your application will provide details of the learning gained from your Diploma studies, your planned CPD, and the improvement in your management practice - the positive, measurable contribution you have made to your organisation.

Full assessment route - Eligibility criteria for this 'full assessment route', including not needing to hold a management qualification

EITHER, a degree level qualification that is management, business or leadership focused; plus 3 years' experience in a management role. OR, at least 5 years' management experience (equivalent to Level 5 or operational / senior management level) if you don't have a management specific qualification. Assessment is undertaken by written submission and a telephone interview, demonstrating consistent and effective performance in the past 18 months, and your future personal development plans. Your application will need to be corroborated by a senior manager in your organisation.

Will my CMI qualification give me credit points towards a Masters Degree?

A Level 7 Diploma may well help you gain entry, and possibly exemptions, towards a management Masters Degree. Universities have their own entry criteria, so you do need to check with them.

Will I qualify for a student discount card if I enrol with inspired2learn?

Yes, if you enrol for a Certificate or Diploma qualification at any level

We are registered with TOTUM PRO

After you enrol, if you request access to this we will send you a verification code to enable you to register with Totum Pro for a FREE student discount card valid for 12 months.

What are your terms and conditions?

Please see our terms and conditions at this link

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What Is a Cmi Level 5 Diploma Equivalent to
