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Peter Capaldi Looks Like Frobisher Doctor Who Funny the Doctor Looks Like Frobisher


"Frobisher" was the proper name taken by the Whifferdill companion of the 6th and Seventh Doctors. He shared the Doctor'south positive outlook on the universe also as many of his other witticisms.


  • one Biography
    • ane.1 Early on life
    • one.two Travels with the Medico
      • i.2.i Joining the Md
      • ane.ii.2 Early travels
      • i.2.iii Disease
      • 1.ii.4 Later travels
      • i.2.5 Second batch of travels
    • 1.iii Life after the Physician
    • 1.iv With Iris Wildthyme
  • 2 Personality
    • 2.1 Abilities
    • 2.2 Clothing
    • 2.3 Forms
  • 3 Behind the scenes
  • 4 Footnotes
  • v External links

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ]

Frobisher began life as a street urchin in a slum on Xenon without much friendly company. (COMIC: Once Upon a Fourth dimension-Lord) He was married to some other Whifferdill named Francine, who left him because she felt she was a amend detective. He was a con man for the nigh part, using his abilities to make money regardless of the toll to others. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter, AUDIO: The Maltese Penguin) Being a private detective, Frobisher became used to being knocked unconscious to the bespeak where he almost enjoyed it. (AUDIO: The Maltese Penguin)

Travels with the Doctor [ ]

Joining the Doctor [ ]

Living as Avan Tarklu in the 82nd century, he came across the Sixth Doctor when Josiah W. Dogbolter placed a bounty on the Fourth dimension Lord. Following the Doctor, he infiltrated his TARDIS, shifting into the central cavalcade and piloting it. However, instead of turning the Doctor in for the money (even though the TARDIS interested Dogbolter more), Tarklu decided that he liked the Doctor, and helped him escape. They stole the money which they split evenly. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter)

Early travels [ ]

Frobisher joined the Doctor on his journeys. He took the name of Frobisher because he felt that information technology sounded British, thinking that the Dr. would like that. He also settled on the class of a penguin. Frobisher and the Doctor were assigned by Voyager to return his star charts.

Frobisher saved the Doctor from drowning in the sea past hoisting him onto a rock. (COMIC: Voyager) Frobisher helped Ivan Asimoff rescue Polly the Zyglot from a circus. (COMIC: Polly the Glot)

The Doctor defeated Plink, whom he had encountered before, in battle. Later on the Doc referred to their run across as their "peripatetic perigrinations", Frobisher asked for a dictionary. (COMIC: Death to the Doc!) After duing their travels, Frobisher met Peri, afterward the Physician picked her upward. (COMIC: Kane'southward Story)

Sometime afterward, when the Sixth Doctor and Peri were out of the room, the Tenth Doctor appeared to Frobisher through the TARDIS control panel; the aforementioned way that Frobisher had start appeared to him. The Medico told him that he needed his assistance, and that he would besides exist helping himself and many other companions.

The Tenth Doctor contacts Frobisher. (COMIC: Façades)

The Sixth Md landed in the twelvemonth 7214, where a nature preserve was keeping the last Penguins alive. The Doctor was captured by the local robotic officials, who believed him to be insane, and was locked in a mental institution. In that location he learned that the robots were under the control of the Master, and that all of the staff in the prison were his Auton slaves. Frobisher and Peri broke into the prison, Frobisher shape shifting into a hospital staff member pretending to be escorting Peri. When they were discovered, the Auton staff attacked, Frobisher and Peri running abroad through the edifice.

The Doctor broke out of his prison cell, and ran into Frobisher, who was disguised as Peri, every bit the Tenth Physician had instructed. They were chased into a room past the Autons, but the Doctor was able to stop them by melting the plastic inside them. When he turned around, though, he saw Peri, really Frobisher, captured by a cloaked effigy. (COMIC: Façades)

At present in the same prison cell system that the cloaked figure had used to capture the Dr.'s other companions, Frobisher escaped his cell- designed to hold Peri rather than himself- and began exploring. After the truthful culprit had explained his plans to the Eleventh Dr., and the Medico had summoned his other ten selves to assistance him, Frobisher made his move. He disguised himself as a remote control that would have ended the lives of all the Dr.'s companions minus one, merely revealing the switch to Adam Mitchell when Adam tried to employ information technology in response to the Doctors' presence. With some instruction from the Second Medico, Frobisher masqueraded every bit an Auton and freed all of the Medico'southward companions so that they could aid the Doctors hold off the Autons until Rose Tyler, the 9th, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors could convince Adam that he was wrong. (COMIC: Endgame)

Illness [ ]

Frobisher became ill with mono-morphia, trapping him in the grade of a penguin. (COMIC: Genesis!) He travelled back to prehistoric Earth and went swimming, trying to catch a fish. A reptile in the sea began chasing him, but Frobisher was unable to change due to his illness.

The Physician was forced to throw some waste material from the futurity at information technology. This set history on the course it was intended to follow. Peri joined them on their travels again after she watched a baseball match. (COMIC: Time Bomb)

Frobisher began to recover from the mono-morphia. He battled a Kymbra Chimera afterward it infiltrated the TARDIS, his powers property out long enough for the Doctor to have it sucked out. (COMIC: Changes)

Later travels [ ]

The Doctor promised to take them to Arcadia, but instead, they landed on a spaceship called the Mayflower. There, they met Kara McAllista, and helped her repel the Profiteer of Ephte. (COMIC: Profits of Doom!)

They attended the Lorduke of Zazz's party on the planet Zazz. There, Frobisher danced and performed for the guests. He helped prepare Professor Strut'due south rocket to evangelize a plague of self-replicating robots to the planet's moon. (COMIC: The Souvenir)

2d batch of travels [ ]

Frobisher eventually left the Physician, and returned to work every bit a detective. The Doctor visited him to meet if he wanted to resume travelling; Frobisher declined. Alicia Mulholland approached him and asked him to follow her husband, Arthur Gringax, to see if he was cheating on her. Frobisher performed part of this mission in the Doctor's shape, in lodge to remain inconspicuous.

Frobisher followed Gringax to an inn. At that place he was taken prisoner by Elric Chandler and delivered to Josiah Due west. Dogbolter. He escaped, just was soon recaptured. The economy broke down after the workers read a joke and became imaginative every bit a result. Dogbolter then escaped. Alicia revealed herself to be Francine, and told Frobisher that he should leave with the Doctor, equally he would later regret staying with her. (AUDIO: The Maltese Penguin)

The TARDIS "went on strike" after Frobisher harmed a Gumblejack created by the dimensional stabiliser. She took them to a medieval-fashion castle. Upon emerging, the people were fascinated by "a talking bird" and believed Frobisher to be the Md'south chief.

Later the current "god", Pepin VII, abdicated from his dominion, he proclaimed Frobisher as his successor and the new god. Frobisher attempted to improve life for the inhabitants of the bizarre and dictatorial world, simply he and the Doctor learned this was a simulation: they were in a prison designed to punish Eugene Tacitus, which came under attack from the bogeyman of Eugene's murdered son. Frobisher was horrified to run across all the inhabitants killed before him, unable to salvage them. Eugene had his son kill him, removing the threat, and the Doctor and Frobisher left in the recovered TARDIS. Frobisher was left upset by his failure as he knew the simulated people had believed themselves to exist real. (AUDIO: The Holy Terror)

Afterward Peri had left the TARDIS, Frobisher and the Doc visited her descendants several times. (COMIC: The Age of Chaos) He profoundly missed her.

Later on the Dr. regenerated into his seventh form, Frobisher found the journeys less fun without Peri and that he wasn't needed as much anymore. To cheer him up, the Doctor took him to the luxury planet A-Lux where they encountered Arryx and his Water ice Warriors, who had sabotaged the planet's weather controls, turning it into a snowy wilderness. Frobisher hooked up with the A-Lux resistance under Korr and, despite his reluctance, risked his life to detect destroy the weather control machines. He was left dismayed to find the Doctor had already reprogrammed them and was gently needling him for planning to simply destroy them, ignorant of the risks Frobisher had took.

After the planet was saved, Frobisher decided he would stay backside in 41st century A-Lux; he wanted a quiet life now and the locals needed him in a way the Doctor did not. The 2 parted, the Medico telling him not to apologise for leaving as the penguin'south happiness was what mattered. (COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell!)

Life after the Doctor [ ]

Frobisher morphs back into a Penguin. (COMIC: Where Nobody Knows Your Name)

Frobisher eventually took on a human being form, calling himself "Bish". He came to run a bar, Bish's, where he somewhen met the Eighth Physician, though neither recognised the other due to both having changed their appearance since they'd parted means. He talked with the Doctor, trying to discover out why he looked so sorry. When a robot called Zalda entered the bar, threatening to blow herself up, the Doctor talked her out of it. Frobisher and so called for drinks on the firm. When everyone had left the bar apart from his married woman Caralla, who worked at that place, he morphed back into his penguin class. (COMIC: Where Nobody Knows Your Name)

An paradigm of Frobisher appeared on 1 of the Knowsall screens displaying the 10th Doctor's memories. (COMIC: Thinktwice)

Frobisher pretends to be Chiyoko. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Showdown)

As part of the Twelfth Doctor's plan to bring down Dogbolter, Frobisher disguised himself as 1 of the Doctor's one-time opponents, Chiyoko. As "Chiyoko", Frobisher pretended that he had suspended the inhabitants of Stockbridge in time in the twelvemonth 2016 to lure the Doctor there so that Dogbolter could have his TARDIS; in reality the Doctor had done this to keep the villagers safety as the Doctor lured Dogbolter into a trap. When the Doctor and Maxwell Edison arrived at St Justinian's Church building, Frobisher revealed his identity and knocked out Dogbolter's henchmen. However, anticipating that Frobisher might testify upward again, the robot Hob blocked his powers. When Dogbolter tried to impale the Doctor, Max saved the Medico's life, and Izzy Sinclair arrived at the church to knock Dogbolter out. Sharon Allen ultimately broadcast Dogbolter's confession to murder in his ain century, and Dogbolter was arrested, with his assets seized.

Frobisher dances with Sharon at Maxwell Edison'due south birthday party. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Showdown)

Frobisher joined the Md and some of the Doctor'south friends at Max's sixtieth birthday party in the city of Cornucopia. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Showdown)

With Iris Wildthyme [ ]

The renegade Time Lord Iris Wildthyme (who had a addiction of claiming that various of the Doc's adventures had happened to her, not him) once said that she travelled with a mouthy shape-shifter companion who liked to stay in the shape of a penguin. (PROSE: The Ruby Empress)

Personality [ ]

Frobisher was known to speak in an American dialect, even defaulting to an American accent when using the shape and voice of someone who didn't normally speak with ane. (Audio: The Maltese Penguin)

Frobisher, like the Doctor, made calorie-free of threatening situations and tended to make jokes at these and other inappropriate times. Despite this, he became a loyal and trustworthy companion to the Doctor. (COMIC: Voyager)

Frobisher once cited his wish to say, "Follow that cab!" as the reason he'd joined the individual centre business. (AUDIO: The Maltese Penguin)

He had no qualms most killing, shooting guards at Dogbolter's manor (COMIC: The Shape Shifter) and being unconcered well-nigh the tactics used against Ice Warriors on A-Lux. (COMIC: A Cold Twenty-four hours in Hell!) Frobisher was not picky in his eating habits. He ate an earthworm that was offered to him by Brock. (COMIC: Once Upon a Time-Lord)

Frobisher plays the piano. (COMIC: The Gift)

He did not seem to fully sympathise penguin physiology. At one point he believed himself to have laid an egg. (COMIC: Fourth dimension Bomb)

Frobisher was keen to party when arriving on Zazz. This led to some conflict between him and the Lorduke. He also annoyed Professor Strut, a hater of music, by performing a rendition of Fireball XL5. (COMIC: The Gift)

Frobisher left the Doc for some fourth dimension as he felt he was playing second fiddle, with the Dr. always saving the twenty-four hour period. He believed the Doctor "cramped his style". Although Frobisher felt bad at leaving the Doctor, he surmised that he needed to piece of work solo. He came to realise that he was amend suited to rescuing cats than saving the twenty-four hours. His 2nd deviation was also over the fact the Medico did not need him. (Sound: The Maltese Penguin, COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell!)

Frobisher stated that the loss of Francine had hurt him securely. He theorised that no one should ever get too shut to another. (Audio: The Maltese Penguin) When Pepin 7 told him not to get married, he replied that he had tried information technology, in reference to Francine. Yet, he "was no longer the Ogron she fell in love with". (AUDIO: The Holy Terror)

Frobisher preferred to catch his nutrient, choosing to chase Gumblejack over eating canned tuna. He stated that it had been then long since he heard his real name that he sometimes forgot what it was.

Frobisher did non believe in heaven. However, he reminded others not to take his discussion as gospel. Frobisher was reluctant to rule upon his proclamation as a god. He began introducing basic regime principals to them, such equally complimentary will and voting.

Frobisher told the Md that, despite just existing in Eugene's Globe, the inhabitants were still people. The Doc compared this to Frobisher's merits that the Gumblejack wasn't existent so Frobisher learned his lesson. (Audio: The Holy Terror)

Abilities [ ]

Frobisher had a good knowledge of mechanics and other technological aspects. He was able to play the pianoforte and was also a capable vocalist. (COMIC: The Gift)

Frobisher was able to utilise the TARDIS. He used the dimensional stabiliser to create some Gumblejack. (AUDIO: The Holy Terror)

Frobisher could shapeshift. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter, Audio: The Holy Terror, Sound: The Maltese Penguin.) This was definitely the most memorable chip about him, considering that in an take a chance with the Tenth Doctor and Donna Nobel, the Doc references a friend, Frobisher, who could shapeshift. (AUDIO: Death'southward Deal)

Frobisher dances with a cane and top hat. (COMIC: Time Flop)

Clothing [ ]

Frobisher commonly remained solely in penguin form, undressed. A number of his forms involved dress merely these were part of his torso. (COMIC: War-Game) Every bit a disguise he in one case morphed a pair of glasses, moustache and false nose (extended to accommodate his beak). (COMIC: Voyager) He in one case wore a top hat and carried a pikestaff. (COMIC: Time Bomb) On occasion he donned headgear and glasses. (COMIC: The Gift) On Marinus, the Worldshaper caused Frobisher to moult quickly. (COMIC: The World Shapers) He once claimed to be wearing black and white trousers whilst in penguin form. (AUDIO: The Holy Terror)

Forms [ ]

Frobisher used the form of a pale yellowish humanoid, three to iv feet in top, with an egg-shaped featureless head, wearing glasses. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter) He once told the Dr. he spent fourteen years in the form of a supermarket till. (COMIC: Voyager) While with Francine, Frobisher used the course of an Ogron, at to the lowest degree upon occasion. (Audio: The Holy Terror)

He assumed the form of a pigeon on at least one occasion to allow himself to fly. Inside the Doctor'due south TARDIS, he morphed to alter into the time rotor of the TARDIS panel. He so took on the Doctor's form so every bit to trick his captors. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter)

Frobisher takes the form of the time rotor. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter)

Afterward Francine left him, Frobisher adopted the form of a penguin as she had been fond of that shape. He did this to call up her. (COMIC: Voyager) He temporarily took on the form of the 6th Doctor once more in gild to investigate a murder because, as he explained, "A penguin detective would exist shocking." (Sound: The Maltese Penguin)

On two occasions he morphed to extend his arms to perform strong punches. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter, Frobisher's Story)

He temporarily turned into a muscular barbarian-style humanoid on the archaic planet Actinon. (COMIC: State of war-Game)

Frobisher took on the form of a Pantachian Rock Skipper to scale a steep wall. In this course he was able to hoist others upward by a rope. (COMIC: Frobisher's Story)

The Eighth Physician and Frobisher chat, neither knowing the other'southward identity. (COMIC: Where Nobody Knows Your Name)

Frobisher later developed mono-morphia, which prevented him from shape-changing for some fourth dimension, leaving him stuck in the form of a penguin. (COMIC: Genesis!)

Frobisher morphed into the forms of a large cat, a dinosaur and a robot to combat a Kymbra Chimera. (COMIC: Changes) He stretched his penguin form to one similar to a hang-glider. He used this form to save Professor Strut (COMIC: The Souvenir) and later, Jamie McCrimmon. (COMIC: The World Shapers)

While investigating Arthur Gringax, he used the form of the Doctor, and so as to appear less conspicuous. (Audio: The Maltese Penguin)

When the Medico suggested that Frobisher had gained weight, he dedicated himself proverb he had changed class from a Male monarch penguin to an Emperor penguin. (PROSE: Mission: Impractical)

When Frobisher was running Bish's, he used a humanoid form going by the proper noun of Bish. (COMIC: Where Nobody Knows Your Name)

Frobisher takes the course of a kid. (COMIC: Façades)

While running away from the red robots, Frobisher took the form of a merry-go-round horse. When the red robots weren't anywhere nearly he and Peri, Frobisher went dorsum to the shape of a penguin, and the changed to the grade of a kid, posing every bit Peri's child. Later the Tenth Doctor contacted him, Frobisher used Peri's form. This mode, when the cloaked figure captured "Peri", he could help the Doctor from within the fortress. (COMIC: Façades)

He took the daughter-similar form of Chiyoko to lure Dogbolter into a trap on Globe. He afterward morphed his body to avert laser fire, and took the form of a rocky humanoid effigy with hammers for hands and a masked superhero with an "F" emblem on his chest, the latter two both wearing spectacles. When Hob blocked his powers with a null-axle, Frobisher inverse back into a penguin. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Showdown)

Behind the scenes [ ]

  • "Avan Tarklu" is a play on the phrase "haven't a clue."
  • The many of Frobisher'southward travels with the Doctor don't mesh hands with televised Doctor Who continuity, other than Peri's reference in The Earth Shapers to having met Jamie McCrimmon in Spain in TV: The Ii Doctors. A Cold Solar day in Hell! nevertheless, tin can be placed in a catamenia when the Seventh Doctor has left Ace behind in Cretaceous times, as seen in Living in the Past and Birthright.

"Frobisher" recording the audio drama The Maltese Penguin. (DWM 318)

  • A mock interview with Frobisher appeared in Dr. Who Magazine after he had left the serial. The article refers to diverse humorous "on-set" anecdotes, including Frobisher's unwelcome interest in Nicola Bryant, which caused tension during production. The interview was reprinted in the graphic novel The Earth Shapers. Years later, Physician Who Magazine issue 318 would again show Frobisher as a real actor, displaying him recording a new audio drama for Big Stop Productions as a real person.
  • In 2020, Robert Shearman, writer of The Maltese Penguin and The Holy Terror, stated that he had ever believed that Wilfred Mott was Frobisher, partly because he considered Bernard Cribbins a practiced casting choice for the character, and partly because he thought that having a shapeshifting penguin granddaddy made a great deal of sense for Donna Noble as a graphic symbol.[1]

Footnotes [ ]

  1. "I've always secretly idea he was Wilf. Partly considering I honey the idea that Bernard Cribbins secretly played Frobisher, and partly because Donna makes such sense every bit the descendant of a shapeshifting penguin."

External links [ ]

  • Frobisher at the Doc Who Legacy wiki
